Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Turtle Burgers

When I was little, my parents called me "Turtle."  I am sure it was because of the lightning-fast pace in which I moved.  So imagine my dismay when Mom sent me this recipe....

While your plain hamburgers are cooking,
cut a hot dog for the head, feet and tail.

When burgers are done, toss in the hot dog
parts to brown and curl.

Lay a slice of cheese on the burger, and use
"heat 'n serve" bacon and weave it like lattice
on top of cheese.

Attach the head, feet, and tail with toothpicks. 

Pop them in the microwave to warm the cheese and burger.

Turtle Burgers are the only
seafood I will eat! 

P.S. These could be made ahead of time
and just heated in the oven. 


Mom served these to my dad as a joke. 
Anyone notice a divorce notice in the St. Marys paper?  LOL

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