Monday, September 5, 2011

Pie with historical significance to the Deckman Clan

Grandma Hammond's pies were made like cobblers, not really traditional pies. It didn't matter what pie filling she used, the crusts were always the same.

-- Bake the bottom crust till golden - about 10 min. at 375 degrees.

-- In the mean time, break up the second crust into small pieces.  (The colder the crust, the better, so I usually do this as soon as it comes out of the freezer.) 

-- Once the pieces are broken, top with 1 teaspoon of cinnamon and enough sugar to coat the pieces.
Pie style

-- Stir till all pieces are coated.

-- When bottom crust comes out of the oven, add fruity pie filling.

-- Top the pie filling evenly with the crust pieces.

-- Bake till top is crispy (usually between 45 min and an hour).

Additional notes:
  -- If you only have one pie crust, just do the top crust and bake.  That is a more traditional cobbler.
-- You can cut fancy-schmancy shapes out of the top crust and roll them in the cinnamon/sugar mix. Place shapes close together on top.
-- Bake pie with cookie sheet covered in foil under it in case things boil over.
-- If you make this for me, I would like ice cream on the side. Or possibly some Cool Whip.